TH-42px80u c1 Board Replacement – I own a Panasonic TH-42px80u plasma television and recently I had an issue of a red vertical line showing up on the right side of the screen as shown in the image below.

After looking through the service manual, I realized it is probably the c1 board. There are 2 boards for the vertical and 2 board for the horizontal part of the image and the c1 & c2 boards control the vertical sections of the screen and since the line was vertical and on the right side of the screen, in my case is was the c1 board.

Disassembling the TV to get to the board was not that bad. The first time I did it, it took about 1.5 hours because I was taking my time, and carefully inspecting everything.. The second time I did it it took 1 hour to disassemble and reassemble total. Why did I do it twice? My first replacement c1 board had a broken connector which I did not realize until I has the old one out and about to put the new one in. So instead of leaving it all apart I put it back together until I could get the replacement. The service manual does a good job of waling you through the disassembling the TV so I won’t repeat it here except to give some advice and a details that I wish were not in the manual.
- There are many different types of screws, so keep them straight, I used labeled baggies for each screw batch.
- Take a picture of the wire runs before removing them from the clips, you may not need them, but if your unsure of a connector or how the wire was clamped down, it will help.
- Many of the connectors on the A-board you just have to squeeze and pull, but not all so look carefully.
- The connectors on the c1 board lift up as indicated in the photos below.
Anyway, after replacing the C1 board, the TV has been working fine now.. A $30 fix.
Thanks, I have the same issue on the opposite side of the screen, so I will be replacing the c2 board..